Cut Out Flower
Cut Out Flower

Come meet us!

Dynamic Cut-out Shape

Ā”Ven a conocernos!

Cut Out Flower
Cut Out Flower
Cut Out Flower
Full Color Lined Goal Icon



Cut Out Flower
School File Case



Cut Out Flower
Cut Out Flower
Freeform Cartoon Studying Children Short Kid Reading Aloud

Our offer

Nuestra oferta



Cut Out Flower
Pink Plastic Shopping Basket
School Books



Cut Out Flower
Hand Drawn Cartoon Teachers Pointing At Globe



Fun Simple Playful Flower
Freeform Cartoon Studying Children With Vitiligo Drawing

Summer Camp

Campamento de verano

Cut Out Leaf
Cut Out Flower
Freeform Cartoon Studying Children Online Class

About us

Sobre nosotras



Curved Up Arrow

Our offer

Nuestra oferta

At Fireflies Enrichment Center we offer many opportunities for students to grow holistically.

  • We teach students how to improve academically in addition to socially and emotionally.
    • Teaching students how to interact with others, and control and understand themselves leads to academic success.
  • We support students at all skill levels (novice to advanced) in both English and Spanish.
    • Specializing in students who might be learning English or Spanish as a second language.(ESL/ SSL)
  • We help teach students strategies with dyslexia, dysgraphia, and other learning gaps in reading and writing.
  • Our tutoring groups consist of groups of only 1 to 4 students per teacher.
  • We teach reading comprehension strategies that will help kids with problem solving and data analysis.
  • All tutoring and lessons are Texas Student learning objectives aligned.

En Fireflies Enrichment Center ofrecemos muchas oportunidades para que los estudiantes crezcan de manera integral.

  • EnseƱamos a los estudiantes cĆ³mo mejorar acadĆ©micamente ademĆ”s de social y emocionalmente.
    • EnseƱar a los estudiantes cĆ³mo interactuar con los demĆ”s y cĆ³mo controlarse y comprenderse a sĆ­ mismos conduce al Ć©xito acadĆ©mico.
  • Apoyamos a los estudiantes en todos los niveles de habilidad (principiante a avanzado) tanto en inglĆ©s como en espaƱol.
    • Especializados en estudiantes que podrĆ­an estar aprendiendo inglĆ©s o espaƱol como segundo idioma
    • (ESL/ SSL)
  • Ayudamos a enseƱar estrategias a los estudiantes con dislexia, disgrafĆ­a y otras brechas de aprendizaje en lectura y escritura.
  • Nuestros grupos de tutorĆ­a consisten en grupos de solo 1 a 4 estudiantes por maestro.
  • EnseƱamos estrategias de comprensiĆ³n lectora que ayudarĆ”n a la resoluciĆ³n de problemas matemĆ”ticos y al anĆ”lisis de datos.
  • Todas las tutorĆ­as y lecciones estĆ”n alineadas con los objetivos de aprendizaje requeridos a los estudiantes de Texas.
Curved Up Arrow



Curved Up Arrow

About us

Sobre nosotras

We are two bilingual mothers and teachers who arrived from Spain as visiting teachers at the public schools in San Antonio, Texas. Our role was to exchange both educational cultures bringing together the best of both of them and to return to our country, but we fell in love with this city and its people. We currently form a great team and we believe in the dream of illuminating the educational and emotional future of many children.

Somos dos madres y maestras bilingĆ¼es que llegamos desde EspaƱa como profesoras visitantes a la escuela pĆŗblica de San Antonio, Texas. Nuestra funciĆ³n era intercambiar ambas culturas educativas reuniendo lo mejor de ambas para volver a nuestro paĆ­s, pero finalmente quedamos enamoradas de esta ciudad y su gente. Actualmente formamos un gran equipo y creemos en el sueƱo de iluminar el futuro educativo y emocional de muchos niƱos y niƱas.

Curved Up Arrow



Fireflies Center is a place for both emotional and academic enrichment, which will help your child grow socially and personally. To achieve at a methodology that links emotions and academic growth, there is nothing better than experiencing teaching during a pandemic and the educational consequences after it.

The time during pandemic made us observe and discover new educational needs that we had never faced before. We lived a time of isolation in which the academic performance of the students had decreased substantially due to the lack of social contact and emotional expression. After this observation, we began to work sessions, in which we delved into the identification, expression and management of emotions. This had an impact on academic growth that reached 50% more than the average for students of the same age.

After analyzing these results, we began to plan a method in which we always combine emotions and curriculum. All our sessions begin with a work in which emotions are the protagonists and, in turn, the allies to carry out the academic work.

ā€œWe are social beings and therefore we need by nature to relate to others".

(Rojas Estape, 2020).

This shows that only through socialization we will reach a stable emotional state and, consequently, academic success.

Fireflies Center es un lugar de enriquecimiento tanto emocional como acadƩmico, que ayudarƔ a tu hijo/a a crecer social y personalmente. Para llegar a una metodologƭa que enlace emociones y crecimiento acadƩmico, no hay nada mejor que experimentar la enseƱanza durante una pandemia y las consecuencias educativas posteriores a ella.

ā€ØEl tiempo de pandemia nos hizo observar y descubrir nuevas necesidades educativas con las que nunca nos habĆ­amos enfrentado. Vivimos una Ć©poca de aislamiento, en la que el rendimiento acadĆ©mico de los estudiantes habĆ­a disminuido sustancialmente debido a la falta de contacto social. y expresiĆ³n emocional.

Tras esta observaciĆ³n, comenzamos a trabajar sesiones, en las que profundizamos en la identificaciĆ³n, expresiĆ³n y gestiĆ³n de las emociones. Esto supuso un impacto sobre el crecimiento acadĆ©mico que alcanzĆ³ un 50% mĆ”s sobre la media de estudiantes de la misma edad.

ā€ØDespuĆ©s de analizar estos resultados, comenzamos a planificar un mĆ©todo en el que siempre combinamos emociones y curriculum. Todas nuestras sesiones comienzan con un trabajo en el que las emociones son las protagonistas y a su vez, las aliadas para realizar el trabajo acadĆ©mico.

ā€œSomos seres sociales y por tanto necesitamos por naturaleza relacionarnos con otros".

(Rojas Estape, 2020).

Esto demuestra que solo a partir de la socializaciĆ³n, alcanzaremos un estado emocional estable y en consecuencia el Ć©xito acadĆ©mico.

Curved Up Arrow

ENGLISH/ SPANISH/ Bilingual personalized tutoring

    • specialized in reading and writing strategies to support learners with dyslexia and dysgraphia

Register here



3:00 PM - 7:00 Pm



We address emotional and behavioral needs in order to help students achieve their maximum potential in their academics.

INGLƉS/ ESPAƑOL/ TutorĆ­a personalizada bilingĆ¼e

  • especializados en estrategias de lectura y escritura para apoyar a los estudiantes con dislexia y disgrafĆ­a

Abordamos las necesidades emocionales y de comportamiento para ayudar a los estudiantes a alcanzar su mƔximo potencial acadƩmico.


15:00 - 19:00 Pm


RegĆ­strate aquĆ­

Curved Up Arrow

Summer Camp

Science and Research Element Stopwatch
Science and Research Element Safety Goggle

Campamento de verano

Science and Research Element Light Bulb
Science and Research Element Tuning Fork
Happy Children
Boy drawing with paints
Science and Research Element Microscope

Creative sessions that work on social, emotional, intelligence, and academic skills. Kids will enjoy days full of activities including yoga, dance, cooking, theater, arts & crafts, STEM, story time, sensory play, games and puzzles.

Yoga kids character Fitness sport childrens posing
Science and Research Element Light Bulb
Paint Palette Icon
Ages 4 10
Science and Research Element Globe

Register here

Schedule 9 00 11 30am lunch bring your own or purchase here 12 00 2 00pm
Early drop off 8 00am late pick up after 2 00pm
Admission per day

$85 ($15 off siblings)

Admission per week
Map Location Icon

Fireflies Educational Enrichment Center

15714 Huebner Rd San Antonio TX 78248
Weekly Programs

3-7 July

week 1

10-14 July

week 2

17-21 July

week 3

Monsters Week

Learn about feelings: happiness, sadness anger, fear, calmness, loveā€¦

Super Heroes Week

Learn about confidence and independence.

Chameleons Week

Learn about empathy and your own strengths

$425($100 off siblings)

8-9 am early drop off ($55)

2-3 pm late pick up ($55)

Curved Up Arrow
Cut Out Flower
Cut Out Flower
Cut Out Flower
Curved Up Arrow
Cut Out Flower
Map Location Icon

Fireflies Educational Enrichment Center

15714 Huebner Rd San Antonio TX 78248

(210) 371-4417 (210) 480-4532



3d Shopping Basket
Isolated Flower Icon Flat Design
Cute Turkey Illustration

Thanksgiving Camp

1 Day Sibblings

Isolated Flower Icon Flat Design

Emotional Saturdays

Friendly Little Girls Laughing and Playing Vector Illustration
Isolated Flower Icon Flat Design
Friendly Little Girls Laughing and Playing Vector Illustration

Emotional Saturdays


Isolated Flower Icon Flat Design
Cute Turkey Illustration

Thanksgiving Camp

1 Day

Thanksgiving Camp

Whole Week

Thanksgiving Camp

Whole Week


Isolated Flower Icon Flat Design
Cute Turkey Illustration
Isolated Flower Icon Flat Design
Cute Turkey Illustration

Tutoring 1 x Week

Tutorias 1/semana

Tutoring 2 x Week



School Books

In Home Tutoring

Tutorias a domicilio

Isolated Flower Icon Flat Design
Isolated House Icon Flat Design
School Books